Motherwort – reduces bleeding, assists contraction and strengthens and relaxes uterine muscles. Stimulates uterine tone and pelvic circulation and helps in treating fibroids. May also reduce high blood pressure and decrease anxiety. Included in Standard Mix and Fertility Mix.
Yarrow – astringent reduces pain and improves healing of scars, stitches or vaginal tears, tones and cleanses, helps in dissolving ovarian cysts and supporting overall uterine health. Included in Standard Mix and Fertility Mix.
Marigold – helps to heal scar tissue, vaginal tears, or haemorrhoids. Included in Standard Mix and Fertility Mix.
Lavender – supports healing, enhances relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety and also promotes menstrual flow. Included in Standard Mix and Fertility Mix.
Chamomile – anti-inflammatory, clears cysts and abscesses, reduces swelling, heals skin, fights bacteria, eases stomach cramps, depression and anxiety. Included in Standard Mix and Fertility Mix.
Mugwort – antibiotic and anti-tumour, helps in shrinking fibroids, balances female hormones and helps maintain uterine health, eases cramping, reduces pain and inflammation, brings on delayed menstruation but can induce miscarriage. Not to be used after ovulation if trying to conceive. Included in Standard Mix.