How much can you save by switching to a menstrual cup? April 10, 2022Considering the average woman will menstruate for 30 years (according to the Women’s Environmental Network) using around 11,000 disposable products over that period, at a cost of between...
Considering Switching? April 10, 2022Menstrual cups have quickly become a popular alternative to tampons and pads. But should you make the switch just because everyone seems to be doing so right now? Keep reading to learn...
How to take out your menstrual cup April 10, 2022You can wear a menstrual cup for up to 12 hours, depending on whether or not you have a heavy flow. This means you can use a cup for overnight...
How to put in your menstrual cup April 10, 2022If you can put in a tampon, you should find it relatively easy to insert a menstrual cup. Just follow these steps to use a cup: Wash your hands thoroughly....
How do menstrual cups work? April 10, 2022How Does It Work? The small, flexible cup is made of silicone. Instead of absorbing your flow, like a tampon or pad, it catches and collects it.
Life has changed and so has pumping! April 10, 2022We bring you hands-free wearable breast pumps because mums have a lot going on and frankly deserve better! No one wants to be sitting half naked next to an electrical outlet...